Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I think I fixed it!

Ok loyal NJ Fresh fans and readers, I think I have figured out the problem. Now, when you leave a comment, a pop-up window will appear allowing you to leave a comment however you like.
I hope it works. If not, please send me an e-mail and let me know!

Love to you all!
Aubrey <><



It does indeed work.

So, I do a fair amount of "research" for my Leadership courses I am taking, and by research I mean online gaming. I also have a modest Blog of my own dealing with that "research".

Anyways, I get mighty hungry during those "study" sessions as I'm sure my readers/fellow gamers do as well. Do you have any interst in doing a guest spot over at "The Misadventures of Svenn"? Maybe some sort of snack food related recipe, complete with link back to "NJ Fresh" to bump your readership maybe?


I would love to! Just send me the necessary info and I would be happy to oblige.
Aubrey <><

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