Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What's the Deal with Salt & Pepper??

You will notice that in just about all of my savory recipes that I include salt & pepper in the ingredient list. You will also notice that I will very rarely give a measurement for the salt & pepper (i.e. 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper). There are a couple of reasons why I do that.
First, I want YOU to control the amount of salt you put in a recipe. If you are trying to stay away from salt, you can put less in. If you like salt a lot, put more in. I'm not locking you in to a measurement. That is the reason you will see me write "salt & pepper to taste."
Secondly, it is so important to properly season your food and salt & pepper are the perfect way to do that. If you ever go to a really fancy (and I mean really fancy) restaurant, they usually do NOT have salt & pepper on the tables. That is because their food is perfectly seasoned, and does not need more. It may seem like overkill while you're cooking the food, but trust me on this, the better you season your food, the better it will taste!
So now when you see the famous Salt & Pepper on one of my recipes, use your discretion and season your food!


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