Monday, January 11, 2010

Homemade Chicken Stock

1 whole chicken or turkey carcass - meat removed
3 carrots, chopped into large pieces
3 celery stalks, chopped into large pieces
3 garlic cloves, crushed, but not chopped
1 large onion, quartered - skins on
2 tbsp salt
1 tsp whole peppercorns
1 tsp whole coriander seeds
Enough water to cover everything

In a large stock pot, place the chicken carcass along with the vegetables and spices. Pour enough water in the pot to just cover everything. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 4-6 hours until stock is golden.
Allow to cool, then remove carcass and strain out the liquid. Store in air tight containers in the fridge or freezer.

*I love making homemade stock. In fact I will make a whole chicken just for the two of us, just so I can make stock afterwards. This stock is great for soup, gravy and any number of dishes that call for stock or broth. Here's the secret - leaving the skins on the onion is what gives the stock its golden color. And don't worry if your stock becomes a little "Jell-O" like after cooling down - that's just the natural gelatin in the bones of the chicken. It will thin out again after you heat it up. Stock is a great thing to have on hand, so go ahead and try this out for yourself!

In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 118:5-6


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